多样性、股票 & 包容
At Branson we strive to build – to use Dr. 马丁·路德·金.’’’’’’’心爱的社区,基于正义的, 平等的机会, 以及对所有人类同胞的爱, where all members are important and interconnected. We do this to better prepare our students for the world of tomorrow.
正规赌博十大平台排行也在寻找模型 多样性即卓越. Research shows that diverse groups make better decisions, solve problems more readily and effectively, and generally experience better outcomes than groups that are homogeneous. Through exposure to diverse experiences and ongoing critical reflection, we are reimagining education and redefining brilliance.
学生, we want you to feel like you can show up at Branson as your authentic self, express your views openly and with dignity, 庆祝你们的不同, and feel seen and valued both for your strengths and your areas of growth. 正规赌博十大平台排行知道这是真的, 你的学习将会更加深入, 更丰富的, and will leave you better prepared for wherever your path will take you.
Learn more about the ways our DEI program is modeling 多样性即卓越, 建立社区, and cultivating future leaders throughout the Branson community.
Our Community Statement of Belonging
十大网赌平台推荐认为多元化, 股本, and inclusion are essential components of an excellent learning environment and a vibrant, 关心社区. We aspire to create a community in which every member feels a deep sense of belonging and inclusion.
连接ing with people with like experiences can provide insights and support. We currently offer 16 affinity groups for students, 教员/员工, 以及基于种族/民族的校友, class, 性别, 性取向, 能力, 宗教, 大小, 国籍, 家庭地位, 和更多的. Each year, new groups are created, reflecting the increasing diversity of our Branson community.
自1993年以来, the Gallard奖学金 has enabled Branson to bring a Morehouse College or Spelman College graduate to teach here in their chosen field. The fellowship was created to attract African American men and women into the field of independent school education and has been instrumental in launching careers at Branson and beyond.
英雄 & 假期
With over 100 unique forms of ethnicity represented in our people, Branson strives to become a Beloved Community in which every student’s cultural background can be celebrated, and where we learn from other's traditions and rituals.
Congratulations to Branson's EE Ford Fellow Antwan "Banks" Williams whose documentary, 两个世界之间的桥梁," was featured at the San Francisco Film Festival on Saturday, 6月1日.
Branson celebrated LGBTQIA+ Pride on Wednesday, 可以 15 with a special assembly featuring student and adult speakers, 历史, 和琐事!
On Thursday, 4月il 25 the 父母' Association organized a Spring Fatherhood Gathering...
On Friday, 4月il 19, our LatinX affinity group hosted a special assembly for the whole school...
On Monday, 4月il 15, 2024, our Jewish affinity group organized a special all-school assembly...
十大网赌平台推荐最爱的年度传统, 福音的夜晚, marked a significant milestone this year as it celebrated its 30th anniversary.
On Thursday, 2月ruary 8, 2024 the warm glow of Chinese New Year filled the Branson gym...
Branson's Beloved Community event on Thursday, 1月uary 11, 2024 celebrated 50 Years of Hip-Hop.